Monday, March 23, 2009

Hot N Cold...

Ah the perils of knowing ppl who have no idea what they want or how they are going to get or not get it. I mean seriously why do some men have to behave like silly girls?

I have had the 'pleasure' of getting to know a few such guys over the past couple of years. These are the men, my dear male friends, you should all learn 'what not to do' from. These men live in a bubble of arrogance and of notions that even defy gravity!
They act strong but are emotional and can cry at the drop of a hat, they act like players but havent actually had a real date in ages, they love to put down people even though they themselves look like a 4 on 10, and they hate being criticized so dont even try to hurt their egos coz they will stop talking to you immediately. So basically these are 13 yrs olds occupying the bodies of 30yr olds!

Sad isnt it? Well! Like I said I have been friends with 3 such men and they are all part of the same group of friends, so am not sure but I think the average maturity level in that gang is like that of a 13 year old girl!
Well! I do thank them coz had I not met these lovely ladies I would not have known that men do come in all shapes and sizes. Dont get me wrong I am sure they are wonderful human beings but there comes a stage when you realise that life is tough as is without having your friends make it tougher. So yes, I had to walk away from being friends with them...hey can you blame me? I mean, isnt it enough that I have to handle my PMS that now I have male friends who PMS far worse??!!!

1 comment:

~ said...

LOL! Why insult 13 yr old girls? ;)