Monday, March 09, 2009

Do Opposites Really Attract?

Yin and Yang. Opposites. Two very different personalities that supposedly come together because of their opposite traits. But do such relationships that exist between people with totally opposite personalities survive? I am not sure.

My doubts come from facts. If you have two people in a relationship and one love to socialise and talk and go out and the other prefers staying home, is the silent type and is an intrivert, then how do two such people make it work? Dont you have to have atleast 3/4 th of your likes atleats in common? I dont know how it would be possible for an extrovert to adjust with an introvert wothout compromising on his/her personality.

Just a thought...

1 comment:

~ said...

Well, it could work, if people in the relationship are willing to meet middle way in their day to day life style!