Tuesday, December 07, 2010

I cant believe it's almost a year and a half since I moved to Bangalore. 15th Dec is like my 18 month anniversary. Made lotsa frnds these past few months and finally the city has actually grown on me. I did visit Mumbai a few days back and while I loved being back...I didn't feel home sick. In fact Bangalore is now home...:)

Back to my life here...it's fun driving the 40 min stretch to work coz I LOVE my car ;)...work has finally grown on me too...and while I always loved what I did...the place has also occupied a special place in my heart. With new frnds made of the past couple of months, new faces introduced into my life...I look at the city in a completely new light now. It's crowded yes, but it's charming :)

And my frnds here...what can I say..the crazy fun Fatak (currently who's absence is being missed as he is in the US), the ever smiling Dhruv and Shaili...the sweet and spicy Shilpa...the one man Southie army Mac...lol...they have made life so much easier here...

The night life sucks but we all end up at someone place post the 11.30pm deadline...(usually mine - where I end up cooking)...and then the party goes on till the wee hours. The one thing I havent done as yet is explore the nearby areas...like just drive to Masnagudi or any of those places...hmmm...must make a plan soon...

So...thts about it on my luverly life here...more later...

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