Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Redo and Rethink...LOL!

RESOLUTION(S) 2011 (THE BIG 10)...What I didn't complete until now...I plan to begin ASAP!1. I will STOP being an IDIOT!
2. I promise I will take care of my body and work out at least 3 times a week; I will also eat breakfast every morning and cut down on coffee at work along with ensuring I get proper sleep on weekdays.
3. I promise to accept things for the way they are and stop trying to change things I have NO control over and leave it to fate and God to decide what's good for me in this regard.
4. I promise to learn to say NO to people, esp when it hampers my well being, time or energy- when it's not worth investing any of these 3- and to learn to walk away from ANY situation that I know is not beneficial rather detrimental to my happiness or health!
5. I promise to finish reading as many books (already bought and gathering dust) as possible before buying ANY more new ones- unless it came HIGHLY recommended!
6. I promise to finish watching all my movie DVDs...(same as above)! :)
7. I will be more patient at work and personally too and NOT lose my cool - however stupid the other person is being, is or has the ability to be!
8. I will be more careful when it comes to judging a person. I will take my time to decide if a person is as nice a he/she seems at first meeting instead of making him/her my best friend and then regretting it.
9. I will choose wisely and carefully - everything that will end of affecting me in one way or the other and so I will put MYSELF first. AT ALL TIMES!

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