Thursday, February 12, 2009

Few Of My Favs...

1. Orange Roses - my fav flowers :)
2. Watching the rain through a window
3. Cappucino
4. Golden Girls
5. Monica Gellar
6. The Perishers
7. White Sandy Beaches
8. Jason Dohring
9. Merlot
10. Bath and Body Works
11. Sunrise
12. The smell of the ocean
13. Windy weather
14. Forever 21
15. Shoes, shoes and more shoes :)
16. Books and reading esp chik-lit
17. Fashion and glamour magazines
18. Italy esp Tuscany
19. Watching movies all day long, I esp love thrillers
20. Pete Sampras
21. Tomato Soup with Caribbean sweet and chilli chips in it :)
22. Taking long luxurious baths with scented candles and a glass of wine with soothing music in the background
23. Frasier
24. Diamonds
25. Fields of Sunflowers
26. Babies
27. Walking through cities with historical significance esp in Europe
28. Cooking
29. Taking care of Nahyr
30. Shopping and spending a day with Aarti
31. Talking to mom late into the night
32. Reading encouraging lit esp about handling stress and positive thinking
33. Talking to Mahesh, Priyank and Chirag and venting about the stupid things :)
34. Walking around South Bombay...esp the area beyond Marine Drive. I love it...
35. Buying souvenier esp fridge magnates from cities I visit
36. Puppies and dogs
37. Doing up the interiors of my house once every year - and doing it on a budget is the best!
38. Late night coffee and walks on Carter road
39. Hanging out with my friends at Ivy
40. Writing my blog and my diary :)

These are a few of my fav things...:)

1 comment:

~ said...

Sweet, few on list make my list as well. :)