Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Redo and Rethink...LOL!

RESOLUTION(S) 2011 (THE BIG 10)...What I didn't complete until now...I plan to begin ASAP!1. I will STOP being an IDIOT!
2. I promise I will take care of my body and work out at least 3 times a week; I will also eat breakfast every morning and cut down on coffee at work along with ensuring I get proper sleep on weekdays.
3. I promise to accept things for the way they are and stop trying to change things I have NO control over and leave it to fate and God to decide what's good for me in this regard.
4. I promise to learn to say NO to people, esp when it hampers my well being, time or energy- when it's not worth investing any of these 3- and to learn to walk away from ANY situation that I know is not beneficial rather detrimental to my happiness or health!
5. I promise to finish reading as many books (already bought and gathering dust) as possible before buying ANY more new ones- unless it came HIGHLY recommended!
6. I promise to finish watching all my movie DVDs...(same as above)! :)
7. I will be more patient at work and personally too and NOT lose my cool - however stupid the other person is being, is or has the ability to be!
8. I will be more careful when it comes to judging a person. I will take my time to decide if a person is as nice a he/she seems at first meeting instead of making him/her my best friend and then regretting it.
9. I will choose wisely and carefully - everything that will end of affecting me in one way or the other and so I will put MYSELF first. AT ALL TIMES!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Today is the day!

Today we give back HARDER!



Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Exhaustion Sophia Is Thy Name!

Am overworked and tired! I wish I had someone to help out. I love my job...let's get that fact straight...but it's just that there is so much going on that I am feeling the weight of it.

My brand is doing well by the grace of god in all it's markets and that makes me excited and keeps me going. Also I know the source of the overwork is me...I have all these ideas that I wanna execute and no one around to help me do it...so I have to do it all...and so...bummer...I am neck deep in assignments!!

Someone how I have hit a slump in my health. It's so weird. Just when things look up in one aspect of my life, another hits the skids! This is a really irritating thing about life isn't it? You rarely have all parts of your life functioning systematically!!

At this rate I will burn out before Q1 hits us!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Low and Lost!

Am lost...

I don't think it's a good thing. My health is down in the dumps. Am not particularly happy. I want a break. I need a break.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A sweatshirt had me thinking!

I was having a bad time getting back into the groove at work. I mean suddenly after months of hard work and sweat I just lost all will to work and hit a slump. Didn't wanna wake up, wanted to skip work, at work I didn't feel motivated enough to get my grey cells ringing and singing....it was bad! I even thought of taking a break and just giving up for a few weeks and then getting back when a sweatshirt got my spirits soaring.

Since this past week, I am back...and how!

Yesterday I cracked hard core creative ideas for my brand. I dunno what happened but I was sitting (reluctantly might I add) with my agency and my sales team from Delhi called. Talking to my colleague on something he wanted done in his market sparked off a slew of ideas. before I knew it I had my brand plan partly sorted.

From having ZERO inspiration - I had cracked ideas left right and center!

So now this YO-Ville sweat which I 'stole' from a very special person is my work attire. I dont care what I wear underneath it but this one is gonna be worn over it! :)


Thursday, January 27, 2011


Tough being a woman. I always knew it but am reminded daily.

I can do whatever to prove I am no less but am still discriminated against.

I am wife, I am mother, I am sister, I am working woman....I am all but I am woman...so I believe I am not enough!

Tired of proving myself. Tired of fighting for myself. Now I refuse. Now I don't conform.

Now I am who I am. I am not afraid.

I am here. I am forever.

I am her. I am all.